
Sport Lever Set clutch/ brake left&right



for Vespa 50-125/ PV/ ET3/ PK/ S/ XL/ 125 VNA?CTS/ 150VBA-T4/ 160 GS/ 180 SS/ Rally/ PX80-200/ PE/ Lusso l 130 mm aluminium chrome large ball 2 pcs as an attractive accessory Product description Sport levers (Dog-leg handle bar levers) do not just look good, they are produced in this form to follow their function. Especially the more highly-tuned motors with harder clutch spring operation, need the power of your hand to be directly transfered to the clutch cable and so the clutch itself. The dog-leg shape, that gives them their name, allows a more ideal ergonomic function with your left hand. These levers are available in varying colours, finishes, styles and lengths. PK models usually require extra washers due to the extra widths of the mounting spaces. Use two 1.5mm thick washers placed above and below the levers for rock-solid lever operation. (art. no. 97734000, 17492000).

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