
Grips 22/22 mm l 128 mm

SKU BS.01633 50509981 Category Tags , ,



for Vespa Hoffmann HA 1950-1954 also for Vespa 125 V1-15/V30-33/VM/VN/VU for 22/22mm tubes l 128 mm rubber black with Hoffmann badge/logo as an extremely attractive accessory Product description These are not just another pair of “Antic” Grips. This is a perfect repro of the original Hoffmann grips from the 50ies! Produced in high quality rubber that does not become hard. Finally the real pair of grips for your Hoffmann vintage scooter! Which gray matches my scooter We have attempted to avoid subjective terms of definition with the grey tones, such as bright-grey, dark-grey etc. to sort and differentiate between them using the RAL classic colour system of number codes. The RAL colour palette is internationally recognised, can easily be located online or – even better – be directly compared using a folding array RAL colour sample collection (# 98889900 ). But even then the various shades are sometimes hard to define. Even considering this, we find that it makes the selec

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