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Carburettor YSN PHBH 30 BS
2T Sport 30 mm connection engine: 36mm connection filter: 42/60mm main jet 125 idle mixture jet 55 jet needle X2 drum size: 40, rubber connection TUNING SPORT – high-performance This product fits on almost all products Product description An economically priced carburettor ?C perfect for road or low-cost tuning. The carburettors belonging to the DELL’ORTO PHB series are the first choice for mid-range motor tuning projects. They belong to the ‘drum carburettors’ (with a rounded throttle/choke) and are available with choke diameters between 24 and 30mm. The DELL’ORTO PHB carburettors are the right choice for tuners who wish to extract a little more performance from their scooters motor without having to spend too much of their hard-earned cash! Regrettably these DELL’ORTO carburettors are not always immediately available. There is however a more economically priced alternative available from YSN. Their carburettors are almost identical in design and function to the DELL’ORTO items a
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