
Primary Driven Gear 26 teeth CRIMAZ

SKU CL.01024 24525400 Category Tags , , ,



for Vespa 50-125/ PV/ ET3/ PK50-125/ S/ XL/ XL2 39,8 mm straight teeth for primary 27/69 with conus for tuned engines Product description Cristian Mazelli is a dedicated Vespa enthusiast and he has been most active on the Italian scooter racing scene for many years. During his time as a racer he was constantly faced with material and part quality problems he deemed as unsuitable for the task in hand. To ease these bottlenecks in supply he decided to use his career-based knowledge of industrial research and development to create parts under his own name that he now markets under the ‘CRIMAZ’ logo. Beautifully detailed solutions combined with very high production quality are the results! These primary-drive cogs by CRIMAZ for the Vespa smallframe engines have been designed including an exclusive feature. They are pressed into position over a conical shaft, enabling them to transmit more power than the original set up. CRIMAZ recommends they be tightened to between 60/70 Nm. The CRIMAZ produced primary-drive cogs are arranged in groups to suit the variety of clutch cogs available. 22-23-24-25 cog teeth for 72 25-26-27-28 cog teeth for 69 28-29 cog teeth for 67 23-24-25 cog teeth for 61 diagonally cut teeth These primary-drive cogs can be combined with the cogs produced by various manufacturers such as CIF, Newfren, RMS, Olympia, Ricambio Rapido, PINASCO and DRT. The diagonally cut cogs are conceived for use with the original transmission components found in the Vespa ET-3/Primavera models engines. For easier removal these cogs are provided with three threads to which a special adapter, also by CRIMAZ, can be attached. The larger cogs with 37, 28 and 29 teeth can, under circumstances, come into contact with the engine casings during use. To avoid this check for clearance and modify the engine casings prior to final assembly. Conclusion : A clever solution for a solid connection between crankshaft and primary-drive which is also available to suit various transmission set ups! Do not forget to order the suitable shaft nuts (#40440920) by CRIMAZ and a new clutch cover gasket (#90898500).

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